

The first prototype of the AB-46 submachine gun (production index TKB-415) designed by A. A. Bulkin of the Tula TsKB-14, who participated in the competition together with the submachine guns Kalashnikov Assault Rifle: AK-46 in 1946 and AK-47 in 1948.

The Bulkin AB-46 / TKB-415 submachine gun was in the lead until the end of December 1947. In January 1948, the tests were completed. Only the Bulkin AB-46 / TKB-415 submachine gun, when firing in short bursts from the stop under the forearm, showed accuracy that satisfied the TTT, and also, together with the A. A. Dementiev submachinegun, as in previous tests, it consistently showed slightly better results in accuracy of automatic fire from unstable positions. In terms of simplicity of the device, convenience of disassembly and assembly, and service when firing, the Bulkin submachine gun was equivalent to the Kalashnikov assault rifle (a natural question arises, which machine gun is equivalent to: AK-46 or AK-47-these are two fundamentally different machine guns in design). However, the AB-46 / TKB-415 assault rifle failed to solve the problem of reliability and survivability of weapon parts, which predetermined its competitive fate. At the final, ten-day stage of testing in January 1948, the Kovrov machine KB-P-580 (AK) got the first place. Automatic design Bulkin and remained experienced.


According to the principle of automation, the Bulkin AB-46 / TKB-415 automatic rifle refers to a gas-discharge weapon with a gas-discharge unit located above the barrel, a long stroke of the gas piston and a rigid locking of the barrel bore with a rotary shutter.

Locking the barrel is made by turning the bolt on two combat stops[1]. The gas outlet device does not have a gas regulator. In the opening of the bolt stem there is a rotary combat larva with two combat stops. On the initial path of rolling back the bolt stem, it rotates the combat larva until its two combat stops are released from engagement with the supporting surfaces of the breech, after which the rolling stem picks up the larva and moves with it. The stem guides are the bends of a stamped gate box with a minimum contact area, which makes the mobile system insensitive to contamination.

The trigger-type trigger mechanism, with trigger interception, allows firing single shots and bursts. This is a kind of mechanism, characterized by simplicity due to the fact that it does not have a device that separates the trigger from the sear when conducting a single fire. The trigger, cocked by the rolling bolt stem, is captured in the cocked position by a spring-loaded stop on the trigger, and when the trigger is released,the trigger is intercepted by the sear protrusion of the trigger.

The safety switch-translator of the flag-type fire mode is located on the right side of the weapon on the fire control handle, in front of the trigger. On the last samples, the barrel was shortened by 100 mm, and the safety translator flag was moved to the left side of the weapon in a more convenient position for influencing it with the thumb of the right hand. Sighting devices consist of an adjustable front sight, protected by a muzzle guard, and a sector sight. Ammunition is supplied from a sector magazine with a capacity of 30 rounds with a staggered arrangement and a two-row exit. A sheet-steel stamp-welded shop.


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